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Understanding Wire Rope Strand Patterns

Writer: Bundit SuriyaburaphakulBundit Suriyaburaphakul

The construction of wire rope involves considering the number of layers, wires per layer, and wire sizes, as they collectively determine the strand pattern. Wire rope can be constructed using various patterns, either utilizing a single pattern or a combination of multiple patterns. Here are the commonly used strand patterns:

Single Layer: This pattern features a central single-wire core surrounded by six wires of the same diameter, resulting in a 7-wire strand. It is the most prevalent and widely used strand pattern.

Filler Wire: In this pattern, two layers of uniform-size wires encircle a center wire. The inner layer consists of half the number of wires compared to the outer layer. Small filler wires, equal to the number in the inner layer, are laid in the valleys of the inner wires. This pattern provides added flexibility.

Seale: The Seale pattern involves two layers of wires around a center wire. Both layers contain an equal number of wires, and all wires within each layer have the same diameter. The larger outer wires rest in the valleys between the smaller inner wires, creating a compact and sturdy arrangement.

Warrington: In the Warrington pattern, two layers of wires surround a center wire. The inner layer comprises wires of a single diameter, while the outer layer alternates between larger and smaller wire diameters. The larger outer-layer wires rest in the valleys, and the smaller ones rest on the crowns of the inner layer. This pattern provides enhanced flexibility.

Combination: A combination strand can be created by using any combination of the aforementioned patterns. This allows for customization and tailoring the strand construction to meet specific requirements.

Understanding these strand patterns is crucial when selecting the appropriate wire rope for different applications. Factors such as load capacity, flexibility, and durability can vary depending on the chosen strand pattern.



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