The Crosby Group has built a reputation in manufacturing and shipping products that are known for durability, reliability, and high quality. We have been – and continue to be – trusted by the rigging industry for over a century and are proud to pave the way for innovation in the market. Crosby is a brand you can trust.
A shackle is a U-shaped piece of metal that has a pin or bolt across the opening. They are commonly used for attaching a sling to a load and are a prime connecting link in different types of rigging systems – including crane rigging, boats, and winching.
When it comes to using shackles for your project, you’ll want to ensure that you are using the right type and are using it the right way.
Types of Shackles
Round Pin Shackles:
Round Pin Shackles consist of 3 components:
Shackle Bow
Cotter Pin
Round Pin Shackles are generally used in tie down, towing, suspension, or lifting where the load is strictly applied in-line.
Screw Pin Shackles:
Screw Pin Shackles consist of 2 components:
Shackle Bow
Screw Pin Shackles can be used for applications involving side-loading circumstances and are often the shackle of choice in pick-and-place applications.
Bolt-Type Shackles:
Bolt Type Shackles consist of 4 components:
Shackle Bow
Cotter Pin
Bolt-type shackles are recommended for long-term permanent installations where the load may slide on the shackle pin causing the pin to rotate. They can also be utilized when any round pin or screw pin shackles are present.
The Quenched and Tempered Process
Crosby shackles have the highest quality design factor in the industry and are built to ensure that strength, ductility, and fatigue properties are met. Each shackle is closed die forged, which allows for an increased cross-section that enhances strength and ductility, coupled with quench and tempering.
The quenched and tempered process has been perfected by Crosby Group and ensures the consistency of performance and maximization of the properties of the steel. The process involves toughness and resilience at all temperatures. Each shackle is built to enhance the impact properties and is derived from special bar-forging steel with guaranteed hardening ability.
The quench and tempered process guarantees the 4 Performance Characteristics that are crucial in overhead lifting.
These characteristics are:
Working Load Limit (WLL): The maximum force a product can support (not to be over exceeded). The Working Load Limit is clearly marked in the shackle bow.
Ductility: The ability to deform in an overloaded condition. This gives warning before ultimate failure.
Fatigue Resistance: This is the ability to withstand repeated applications of a load. (A fatigue-rated shackle must withstand at least 20,000 cycles at 1 ½ times the Working Load Limit.)
Toughness: The material’s resistance to fracture and cracking.
As you can see, this toughens the shackles like no other and develops a material that reduces the risk of brittle, catastrophic failure. It also enhances the overall performance under cold temperatures and adverse work environments. Your job as a rigging operator, whether on a crane or a boat, demands this type of reliability and consistency. This process allows for product users to have confidence in the shackles that are used. Quenched and tempered shackles are recommended for all critical applications including overhead lifting.
When it comes to those working in extremely cold environments, you are no strangers to the harsh conditions of the northern regions. Cold weather can have a substantial impact on your rigging equipment. Ensuring that everything is functioning properly is crucial.
Operating lift equipment can be dangerous even in good weather – but when freezing temperatures are involved, safety becomes even more important. This is why Crosby provides a full range of cold-weather ready products that are made to handle temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius.
COLD TUFF® is manufactured specifically to make extreme working environments easier and has been used in some of the coldest parts of the world, including Antarctica.
Subsea ROV Shackles
When it comes to subsea operations, The Crosby Group is a trusted partner and provider in the industry. For years, we have developed and designed innovative shackles specifically for underwater use and subsea operations. Shackles are time-tested, proven, and improved upon to guarantee the highest quality for those in the subsea community.
All ROV shackles are built to be highly visible underwater and easy to operate. Our ROV products are unmatched in quality and industry safety standards. Offshore rigging companies will also find that these products are highly versatile for a diverse set of subsea uses.
Theatrical Shackles
Crosby provides specialty shackles that are designed for theatrical and stage rigging applications. Specifically, the S-209T is designed and enhanced to not only be strong but to blend in with the stage surroundings. It is the “Behind the Scenes” strength and dependability you are looking for.
This feature incorporates two marks forged into the shackle bow at 45-degree angles. These marks are used to quickly check the angle of a single leg hitch when the shackle pin is secured and the pull of the load is off vertical; resulting in side-loading circumstance. These marks are also used to quickly check the approximate included angle on a two-leg hitch. This will help a rigger determine if there is a reduction in the shackle’s working load limit.
